7 Bad Reason Jigsaw Puzzle Destroy Kids Mentally

7 Bad Reason Jigsaw Puzzle Destroy Kids Mentally

Allow me to share a story about how jigsaw puzzles impacted the life of a young girl Negatively. After that, I will discuss seven ways that puzzles can be harmful to children’s mental health.
Sarah was a young girl who enjoyed doing jigsaw puzzles. At the age of eight, she was a very intelligent girl, and she liked to solve puzzles very much. She was very determined and used to ensure that she did a puzzle every day; however, this became a source of stress to her. When she failed to solve a puzzle within the set time, this exerted pressure on her academic performance at school and in the long run on her health.

Jigsaw puzzles are acknowledged as being a helpful and constructive pastime for children or can aid in the development of the child’s cognitive framework and problem-solving abilities. Nevertheless, among the extensive list of benefits considered, one cannot ignore the adverse effects that can be caused by jigsaw puzzles on children’s psychological well-being. I was well surprised when I found out several effects that jigsaw puzzles have on the mental health of children; in this article, let me share seven of them.

7 Bad Reason Jigsaw Puzzle Destroy Kids Mentally 2 (1)

1. Frustration and Stress

    Games like jigsaw puzzles are supposed to be entertaining and helpful in the learning process, but very soon the child may transform it into a problem and a source of stress if the puzzles are too difficult for their age or the child’s abilities. If children try to match items or to solve a puzzle and fail they will feel like they have failed in that particular act.

    It became a daily task that Sarah felt she had to do every day making what was initially a fun thing become a chore. The child stated that she was not able to complete puzzles because she would cry and even through tantrums her confidence levels decreased. She did not get the joy of completing the puzzle that she would expect but instead, she felt pressure and anxiety building up in her. This frustration can extend to other parts of childhood causing the child to exhibit a bad attitude or bad mentality.

    To mitigate these issues, it's important for parents to:

    • Choose Age-Appropriate Puzzles: Make sure that the challenge found in a particular activity corresponds to the child’s age and the best skills he/she has.
    • Encourage Breaks: If the children are getting frustrated over any game allow them to take a break and play another game that would make the game challenging yet fun for the children.
    • Provide Support: Provide help and support while stressing that it is alright if the puzzle cannot be solved at that time, the progress is more significant than the solution.Capture Royalty in a Puzzle | Personalized Gift for Mom and Dad | Discover our Custom Kids Royal Puzzle from Photo, featuring 252, 500, or 1000-piece options. Perfect for birthdays, Christmas, and family reunions. Crafted with precision and durability, each puzzle arrives in a deluxe metal box for a stunning presentation. Ideal for all ages to enjoy together. Order now and create a unique masterpiece that celebrates your family's story.
    • Click this link to buy your custom royal jigsaw puzzle.

    2. Excessive Screen Time

    Digital jigsaw puzzles are now available, and many kids are switching to screens to enjoy this popular activity. In addition to being easily accessible with a wide variety of patterns, digital ones also promote too much screen time which impacts negatively on the mental health of children.

    Sarah’s fondness for jigsaws extended onto her tablet where she used to spend hours absorbed in their online versions. Consequently, this excessiveness of screen time started affecting how well Sarah was. Long exposure to screens causes problems like eye strain, migraines, and interference with normal sleep cycles. Moreover, extreme indulgence in digital media is linked to decreased physical activities and diminished social interactions which are both important factors in childhood development.

    Overindulging in screens can result in increased anxiety, irritability, or even depression. This may lead children towards over-reliance on screens for entertainment at the expense of concentrating on other tasks like schoolwork or family duties.

    Ways to address excessive screen time:

    • Limits: Establish clear rules regarding the amount of time children can spend on digital devices each day.
    • Promote Exercises: Encourage kids to do some exercises and play outside while balancing their screen
    • Encourage Social Interaction: Foster opportunities for children to interact with friends and family without screens, such as board games, sports, and other group activities.
    • Model Healthy Habits: Lead by example by limiting your own screen time and participating in non-digital activities with your child.Experience the enchantment of personalized royal couple puzzles, crafted from your own pictures. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or as a unique gesture. Available in 252, 500, or 1000-piece varieties, each puzzle set is beautifully housed in a metal box for a memorable presentation.
    • Click this link to buy your custom royal jigsaw puzzle.

    3. Neglect of Physical Activities

    Jigsaw puzzles can be highly absorbing, often leading children to spend long hours seated and focused on completing them. Thus, this concentration is suitable in reasonable proportions; otherwise, critical physical activities might be sidelined.

    To Sarah, her favorite activity of doing jigsaw puzzles made her sit down languidly for hours putting each piece in its rightful place. Physical activities were the other victim of this condition and she almost stopped engaging in them. Thus, it plays a major role in children’s physical health, and mental health as well. He or she gets stressed and conveys that stress to the heart, and the organ becomes depressed and its ability to facilitate blood flow to the brain decreases.

    The lack of physical activity can lead to a sedentary lifestyle and thus is likely to cause several diseases, predisposes to obesity, and heart diseases, and makes the person lethargic. Furthermore, children who do not take part in physical activities bear the costs of failed mental health boosts such as endorphins, which are natural mood elevators.

    To ensure that children like Sarah do not neglect physical activities:

    • Set Daily Activity Goals: May people ensure children participate in not less than one hour of moderate activity like sports or outdoor activities or walking with the family.
    • Balance Puzzle Time: It is crucial to ensure one spends equal time doing those activities that involve little or no movement, such as doing puzzles and those exercises that require movement as part of the strategies to manage the consequences of confinement.
    • Incorporate Movement Breaks: During puzzle-solving sessions, encourage children to take short breaks to stretch, move around, or play a quick game.
    • Make Physical Activity Fun: Discover what your child likes doing and ensure that those activities include exercise ensuring they look forward to being active.

    Parents can thus foster and support the two Critical activity patterns by ensuring they balance their children’s mental and physical activities so that they are not harmed by consistent involvement in one at the disadvantage of the other.Discover the Majesty: Personalized Royal Puzzle | Unique Gift for Family | Capture the charm of royalty with our Custom Kids Royal Puzzle from Photo. Ideal for birthdays and special occasions, choose from 252, 500, or 1000-piece puzzles. Crafted with premium materials for durability and aesthetic appeal. Each puzzle arrives in a stylish metal box, ready to gift. Perfect for children and adults alike, order now to create cherished family moments.

    4. Social Isolation

    Jigsaw puzzles, especially when done alone, can inadvertently contribute to social isolation among children. These puzzles can limit opportunities for social interaction, which is crucial for children's social and emotional development.

    It applies to children in particular and Sarah in particular as she used to enjoy doing puzzles individually because it helped her to focus. However, as she started getting more and more interested in puzzles, she distanced herself a lot from her peers and family. This isolation may allow feelings of loneliness and seclusion from interpersonal connections, Consequently, this impedes a child's ability to succeed in skills related to social relationships.

    Another vital factor that is highly valued by children is social interaction as it contributes to the formation of a child’s identity and control of their emotions. That way, they are in a position to understand other people together and communicate effectively – skills needed in all relationships at all stages of life. Failure to attend to social needs can make the child to be lonely and most of the time, the child feels incompetent.our Custom Kids Royal Journal from Photo, a sophisticated blend of artistry and personalization that transforms your child’s photograph into a timeless masterpiece. This exclusive journal is designed to elevate ordinary moments into extraordinary memories, celebrating your child’s essence with the elegance of royal heritage.

    To mitigate the risk of social isolation stemming from puzzle activities:

    • Encourage Group Activities: Integrate such exercises where children will have to solve puzzles in groups with friends, siblings, or relatives to encourage social interaction and team spirit.
    • Schedule Playdates:  Arrange playdates or outings that involve interactive and social activities beyond puzzle-solving.
    • Limit Solo Puzzle Time: Have quality time and quantity time with the children so that they are not overwhelmed with the quantity of time they spend with puzzles.
    • Discuss the Importance of Friendship: Think and speak with the children about the importance of friends and the need to spend time in the company of other children and the bench makings that come with these relationships.

    Parents can focus on the significance of allowing the child the be alone yet enable her to solve puzzles, hence avoiding social isolation that may harm children like Sarah and their mental health.

    7 Bad Reason Jigsaw Puzzle Destroy Kids Mentally 2 (1)

    5. Perfectionism and Anxiety

    jigsaw puzzles can be said to have unintended negative impacts of the involvement of high levels of perfectionism in children as evidenced by high levels of anxiety when the children do not get perfect results. Though the tendency to look for exact solutions is indeed admirable, the proper obsession with the possibility of achieving the perfect score in problem-solving can turn into an adverse motivational factor in the development of young geniuses.

    Sarah with this trait always focused on developing the puzzles with as much perfection as possible at times getting obsessed with the piece. She would invest a lot of time carefully coordinating the forms, and the fits, becoming more and more angry if a piece wouldn’t fit or if the form was not assembled as fast as she wanted. Such pursuit leads or contributes to perfectionism, goals that are difficult to achieve, and self-generated pressure that leads to inadequacy and/or anxiety.

    Perfectionism can also hinder children's ability to enjoy the process of puzzle-solving and to see mistakes as opportunities for learning and growth. This may help in parallel, translate into other successful fields, including school work and other activities where mistakes are always a part of the process.

    To help children manage perfectionism and anxiety associated with puzzle-solving: 

    • Encourage a Growth Mindset: Stress practice and determination rather than the ideal. If the child makes a mistake, explain to them that it is alright and an opportunity for the child to learn better next time.
    • Celebrate Progress: The emphasis of activities like puzzles should be the improvement children demonstrate, instead of concentrating on the results. Compliment the work that they do and the kinds of solutions they are likely to come up with.
    • Provide Supportive Feedback: Give feedback that challenges the subject but at the same time the feedback will enable him/her to come up with ways to continue working harder. Do not use such oriented language as criticism or perfectionism.
    • Set Realistic Expectations: Help children set realistic goals and expectations for puzzle-solving, considering their age and skill level. Encourage them to enjoy the process rather than fixating on achieving perfection.

    In helping children like Sarah to learn and do puzzles, parents have a vital role to play in ensuring that they manage anxiety and help the child cultivate a healthy attitude to solving problems.Transform Memories with a Custom Royal Puzzle | Personalized Gift for Parents | Capture the essence of royalty with our Custom Kids Royal Puzzle from Photo. Perfect for birthdays and family gatherings, available in 252, 500, and 1000-piece sizes. Crafted from durable materials for lasting enjoyment. Ideal for children 9+ and adults alike. Order now for a delightful surprise in a stylish metal box.

    6. Disrupted Sleep Patterns

    The act of solving puzzles and more so before going to bed enhances adverse consequences that are likely to affect the welfare of children. In turn, both traditional and computer puzzles can be very engaging mentally, thus making it hard for children to go to sleep.

    In Sarah’s case, she loved solving puzzles; therefore, she could spend most of her nights trying to solve a puzzle or use her tablet to search for challenging puzzles online. This puzzle-related activity at night improved her brain function while the rest of her body needed sleep, making it difficult for her to fall asleep.

    There are debilitating effects of inadequate sleep among children and these include; Lack of sleep results in poor concentration and frustrated disposition, general poor performance, and low productivity. Prolonged and constant insomnia may lead to mood disorders like anxiety and depression thus affecting the general health and performance in school.

    To promote healthy sleep habits and prevent disrupted sleep patterns related to puzzle activities: 

    • Establish a Bedtime Routine: Develop a pre-sleep regime that will not stimulate the child before going to bed, but rather, read a book or listen to relaxing music or any other activity like that.
    • Set Screen Time Limits: Adopting acceptable hours for screen time before going to bed for example puzzles that are able to assist the brains to relax.
    • Create a Relaxing Environment: The bedroom must be comfortable for sleep so it should be cool, light, and noise-free.
    • Encourage Wind-Down Activities: Avoid activities that get the mind and the body active just before going to bed, including stretching exercises or meditating.

    Regular sleep is important in children’s health and avoiding the use of electronic gadgets at night can help children go to bed early thus helping them maintain a sleep schedule to support their health.Create a regal tribute with our Custom Kid Royal Portrait service. Personalized portraits of your little King, ideal for Birthday gifts and kids' room decor. Capture the charm of royal heritage with bespoke Renaissance-style portraits crafted from your favorite photos.

    7. Overstimulation

    Jigsaw puzzles, particularly those that are colorful and have some design on them can sometimes be over-stimulating to the little ones. As pretty picture puzzles can stimulate a child’s interest, often explosive stimuli overload a child’s senses and cause their stress levels to rise.

    Well, for Sarah her interests and preferences were often focal on shapes which were well decorated with bright colors with complicated patterns. However, due to the graphics in these puzzles, she was able to be constantly engaged and now and then got the feeling of restlessness or irritation. Some of the consequences of overstimulation are school conditions including the inability of a child to focus, jealousy, and the inability to rest.

    Over time, chronic overstimulation can impact a child's mental well-being. It may contribute to increased stress levels and difficulty in managing emotions effectively. Children may also struggle with sensory overload, making it challenging for them to focus on other tasks or engage in calm, quiet activities.

    To prevent overstimulation from puzzle activities: 

    • Choose Suitable Designs: Choose puzzles with fewer details and fewer colors, as they are more suitable for young children or children with sensory sensitivities.
    • Limit Duration: Because of the numerous graphics in those activities, it is advised to keep the kids focused on them for a reasonable amount of time to avoid overloading the senses.
    • Offer Breaks: to keep children from straining their eyes and their brains recommend that they take short intermittent breaks during the solving of the puzzles.
    • Promote Calming Activities: Balance puzzle activities with calming activities, such as listening to soothing music or engaging in quiet play.Discover exquisite custom royal puzzle portraits from photos at PuzzlePortraits.com. Perfect for birthdays, gifts for her, and historical art enthusiasts. Each puzzle features renaissance aesthetics, human subjects, and AI design. Personalize your own queen puzzle with digital downloads available. Surprise your loved ones with a unique puzzle art gift today!
    • Click this link to buy your custom royal jigsaw puzzle.


    Despite the fact that jigsaw puzzles have many advantages, one should not forget about the disadvantages that can influence children’s mental health. Thus, it is possible to consider that with the help of such an approach, parents and caregivers will be able to minimize the impact of these hidden negative aspects of jigsaw puzzles and make sure that this kind of activity remains beneficial for children.


    1.  Are jigsaw puzzles bad for children?

    This is not to say that jigsaw puzzles have to be completely eliminated from the activities that children engage in because they are not inherently ‘’bad’’ and it is also equally important to ensure their safe use and keep an eye out on some of the effects that they may have on the health of the individuals.

    2.  How can I help my child if they get frustrated with puzzles?

    Select puzzles suitable for the child’s age, encourage them and avoid lengthy duration of puzzle working in order to avoid inadequate frustrations.

    3.  What can be some of the better substitutes of jigsaw puzzles?

    Think about involving activities which engage body and mind such as active play, group games and manipulative or creative activities.

    Learning and considering these issues will enable you to support your child have fun with jigsaw puzzles while observing the positive effects and not the adverse impacts on the kid’s mental health.

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